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AUSA 2022: Soldiers to begin AMPV training in early 2023, army increasing production rate

By Ashley Roque |

BAE Systems delivered the first AMPV to the US Army in 2020. The service plans to begin training soldiers to operate the vehicles in January 2023. (BAE Systems)

BAE Systems has delivered at least 130 Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicles (AMPVs) to the US Army, and the first unit will begin training with the vehicles in January 2023, according to Program Executive Officer for Ground Combat Systems Major General Glenn Dean.

The two-star general provided reporters with an AMPV update on 11 October at the Association of the US Army (AUSA) 2022 conference in Washington, DC, with new details on fielding and plans to ramp up the production rate and replace the M113s sent to Ukraine.

On the testing and fielding front, in August, the service completed operational testing with the new ground combat vehicle at Fort Stewart in Georgia. Maj Gen Dean said the final report has not been completed, but preliminary feedback is “very positive” and shows that the vehicle is an “effective, suitable, and survivable platform”.

The army is working towards fielding the weapon, and its plan is to have the first unit equipped with 130 AMPVs in January 2023 for soldiers to begin training.

The army is replacing its in-service M113 armoured personnel carrier (APC) with the AMPV line. This tracked combat vehicle includes five configurations – general purpose, mission command, mortar carriers, medical evacuation, and medical treatment – designed to address the M113 family of vehicles' ‘shortcomings' to include enhanced survivability and force protection; enhanced size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C); and the ability to incorporate future technologies and the army‘s network.

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