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Fortress Europe? Janes to take a closer look at the implications of shifting procurement and industrial cooperation policy

As the European Defence Fund, PESCO, and UK procurement and industrial cooperation policy changes shift the defence market landscapes of Europe, Janes are delighted to be partnering with AFCEA to present a review of the implications.

Led by Guy Anderson, associate director at Janes, and moderated by SIGNAL Magazine’s Kimberly Underwood, the event will discuss:

  • A timeline of events – from ‘Brexit’ to the publication of the U.K. Integrated Review and the commencement of the EDF.
  • The factors driving E.U. and U.K. strategy.
  • The prognosis for change and the cooperation challenges.
  • The likely impact and progress of EDF/PESCO projects and the implications for ‘third country’ cooperation.
  • The future of U.K. industrial, procurement and industrial cooperation policies and the implications for suppliers.

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