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Access foundational military OSINT you can trust

Janes provides access to the world’s most complete foundational military data asset with secure access to over 130 million assured data connections.

With mission-critical data uncovered, analyzed, and contextualized in seconds, you’ll have the foundational and military intelligence you need, when you need it.

  • Orders of battle for all the world's militaries
  • Full specifications of over 88,000 pieces of military equipment
  • Geolocations for 28,000 military installations, early-warning sites, and nuclear facilities
  • 885,000 events and full PMESII formatted reports for 197 countries
Janes Tradecraft

Every data point verified and validated

Access foundational data that is verified and validated by experts using rigorous tradecraft to deliver military OSINT that you can trust.

  • Focus and prioritisation
    Our areas of focus are driven by our customers’ requirements and prioritised based on global stability and events
  • Sourcing and discovery
    Machine accelerated source capture, against analyst-designed collection plans with expert assessment of sources for quality and bias.
  • Processing and integration
    Once gathered, sources are connected to core entities in an assured data model for rapid prioritisation and identification of useful inputs
  • Analysis, enrichment, and assurance
    Expert-led fact validation and data enrichment delivers assured forward-looking analysis
  • Delivery
    Whatever your use case, we use integrable APIs, online platforms, offline FTP, and personal briefings to supply the information you need

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What we do