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Croatian Navy opts for Bittium's tactical communication systems

The Croatian Armed Forces has opted for Bittium's tactical communication systems, including the Tough SDR Vehicular radio and TAC WIN. Each TAC WIN node consists of one router (left) and up to three radio head (right) units. (Bittium)

The Croatian Navy is receiving new tactical, software-defined radio (SDA)-based communication systems from Bittium, the company said in a press release in early June.

The procurement includes the provision of the company's Tactical Wireless IP Network (TAC WIN) and Tough SDR Vehicular radios.

Colonel Eduard Špoljarić, head of the Information and Communications System sector at the Croatian Ministry of Defence, informed Janes in June that the acquisition forms a key part of the armed forces' command, control, computers, communications, and cyber-defence (C5) modernisation efforts.

The solutions, he continued, “offer excellent performance and work seamlessly together with our existing systems. The system entities have more than enough capacity to support the creation of a real-time situational awareness that enables efficient command-and-control over our deployed troops”.

The systems were accepted following an implementation phase with the navy carried out by IntellByte INFO, Bittium's Croatian partner, which serves as the Croatian Navy's tactical communications system integrator. During the trials, TAC WIN was used to form the navy's backbone communications network, while the Tough SDR Vehicular radios were used to connect naval vessels together, enabling the transfer of real-time data and communications, Bittium detailed in a previous announcement.

Implementation of the tactical communications network will take place gradually with separate purchase orders possibly placed in future. Other branches of the armed forces can also acquire the systems, the company noted.

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