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Janes Joins Esri's Partner Network

The trusted global agency for open-source defense intelligence is proud to become a Silver member of the Esri Partner Network, with the two set to highlight Janes foundational interconnected intelligence within Esri’s ArcGIS system at GEOINT

Janes is proud to announce that it has joined the Esri Partner Network. The partnership will support the continued delivery of Janes foundational interconnected open-source intelligence through Esri’s ArcGIS system, supporting global customers across the geospatial, defense and security industries with enhanced decision-making and contextualized intelligence.

“We strive to support our customers through accelerated decision-making, and I’m truly excited to be working with our partners at Esri to deliver our unique foundational intelligence in the ways that our customers need for optimal operational certainty,” said Ben Conklin, Chief Product Officer at Janes. “Integrating with Janes foundational interconnected open-source intelligence, Esri’s ArcGIS system allows our customers to contextualize multiple disparate sources to deliver the enhanced situational awareness and analysis of military capabilities they so desperately require.”

 "It's exciting to see Janes data integrated in the ArcGIS system. Our customers can now fuse world-class open-source intelligence with their existing geospatial intelligence databases," said Jeff Wilson, Manager Emerging Business at Esri.

120 years of assured open-source intelligence, integrated: a geospatial exploration of PLAN expeditionary capabilities

Janes and Esri will showcase their partnership at GEOINT with an exploration of China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN’s) current and future expeditionary capabilities and pattern of life. Assured, interconnected open-source intelligence from the Janes knowledge graph is integrated directly into Esri’s ArcGIS system creating a more complete operational picture of PLAN surface combatants’ past activities and in-development capabilities.

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