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KADEX 2024: LIG Nex1 displays new Micro Guided Missile variant

By Andrew White |

LIG Nex1's Gun-type Micro Guided Missile was shown for the first time at KADEX 2024. (Andrew White)

LIG Nex1 launched the latest variant of its Micro Guided Missile (MGM) at the Korea Army International Defense Industry Exhibition (KADEX) 2024 in Gyeryongdae, South Korea.

The company displayed at the show a mock-up of its 40×500 mm ‘Gun-type' MGM solution, which has been designed to provide organic precision strike capability for personnel operating at the tactical edge.

The Gun-type MGM was displayed being launched from an underslung grenade launcher (UGL) attached to the rail adapter system of an assault rifle, which also carried a laser target designator (LTD).

Similar to the ‘Drone-Launched' MGM solution launched in 2022 at the DX Korea event in Goyang, the Gun-type MGM features a semi-active laser (SAL) seeker that allows it to be accurately guided onto its target by LTD.

Weighing 1.5 kg in all-up weight, the Gun-type MGM has a range of up to 1,000 m, a company spokesperson told Janes . LIG Nex1 did not comment on the size of the MGM's warhead but sources said it weighed less than 1 kg, meaning it would be suited to attack soft-skinned vehicles and personnel.

The munition itself can be fitted with either fragmentation or dual-purpose warheads, the spokesperson added before suggesting a live-fire test is expected to be conducted in November ahead of a “pre-programme test and guided test” over the course of 2025. Development of the Gun-type MGM is expected to be completed the following year, the spokesperson added.

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