Comprehensive global defense views, unique market insight
The present
Understand the drivers, policies, and procedures impacting today’s global defense industry.
The future
Access forecast, budget, and programme data to understand future military capability.
The actors
Form an unbiased view of the customers, capabilities, and market share of leading defense organizations.
Complete strategic views over global spending and developments
Today's spending reveals tomorrow's military threats and defense requirements. Ensure your analysts are prepared with in-depth detail ahead of formal announcements thanks to:
- Comprehensive global defense budget data and analysis for 112 countries
- 20+ years of program-level procurement and R&D data
- 10-year defense market forecasts that offer opportunity analysis driven by stated capability requirements and emerging threats
- Global market reports that provide a detailed qualitative view on major programs, budgetary trends, and market entry assessments for 97 countries

Today’s markets define tomorrow’s battlefields
Understand tomorrow's threats, capabilities, and developments by accessing verified, trusted data on budgets, forecasts, and production to answer pressing questions including:
- How is emerging technology development spending prioritized over the next decade?
- Which countries operating first generation APCs will be in the market for new or upgraded variants in the next decade?
- How will regional defense spending transform in the wake of an emerging threat?
- How large will the combat aircraft inventory with a range of over 3,000 nautical miles in a chosen country be in the next decade?
Deep insights into the global defense industry
Access interconnected data into customers, equipment, and organizations to:
- Know the total addressable market for a given platform or subsystem, globally down to the individual country
- Define the competitive landscape by identifying the main players in the global defense industrial base and their core markets
- Understand the global defense supply chain, including component suppliers, for key pieces of military equipment